How far along? 23 weeks
Weight Gain/Loss: total so far 8lbs
Maternity clothes? nope just comfortable yoga pants or maxi skirts. I'm all about comfort right now. My pre prego jeans still fit but they are not as comfortable to wear, especially when I sit down.
Stretch marks? no new ones, I have 2 from when I was prego with Kaylee.
Sleep: has been ok. It could be better. I've been waking up with my left hip sore from sleeping on it all night. Since the dr told me I have a UTI I seem to be up even more in the middle of the night, which is super annoying! Hopefully once I'm done with the medicine and the UTI is gone I'll be able to sleep better. Kaylee came into our room the other night at 4:45am thinking it was time to be up, oh no...we sent her back to bed and then it took both the hubs and I forever to fall back asleep.
Best moment this week: feeling all the kicks from baby girl. Jason's mom taking both Kaylee and Keira on Mondays for 8 hours to give me a break. It was nice and very much needed.
Miss Anything? not having to pee every 5 minutes, being out of breathe and having more energy
Miss Anything? not having to pee every 5 minutes, being out of breathe and having more energy
Movement: lots more movement and kicks! I love feeling her move. She's more active during the day and at bed time she nows its time for bed and she sleeps. Maybe that's a good sign that she'll be a good sleeper when she comes! I can hope right?!
Food cravings: nothing really, right now I'm not really feeling hungry and nothing is sounding good besides my obsession with Chocolate shakes from Jack in the Box.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not eating breakfast right after waking up makes me feel a little queasy!
Food cravings: nothing really, right now I'm not really feeling hungry and nothing is sounding good besides my obsession with Chocolate shakes from Jack in the Box.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not eating breakfast right after waking up makes me feel a little queasy!
Gender: GIRL
(from looking at this I was bigger with Kaylee. I think I was the smallest with Keira cause I didn't start showing with her until 22 weeks. So with baby #3 I think I'm in between with Kaylee and Keira.)
(from looking at this I was bigger with Kaylee. I think I was the smallest with Keira cause I didn't start showing with her until 22 weeks. So with baby #3 I think I'm in between with Kaylee and Keira.)
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Symptoms: Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Happy / Nervous about having to take medication for my UTI
Looking forward to: being done with this medicine and not having a UTI and hopefully picking out baby girls name soon. My mom will be monogramming the gown and I'm ordering this super cute hat from etsy to match it for baby girl's homecoming outfit. Baby girls outfit will be pink and grey. My mom will monogram it and I'm going to add the ribbon and bow.

I was going to say the same thing as you. Your belly looked biggest with Kaylee and smallest with Keira.
ReplyDeleteI love that little outfit you are going to be making!!
It's crazy how each pregnancy is different and you look different each time.
DeleteThank you I am loving the outfit too. Im also going to order a cute crocheted hat to match
Super cute!!! Love the monogram gown too! And the shirt that Emma has on from the 4th of July, I didn't make it. I sure wish I did though =)
ReplyDeleteThank you. Emma shirt is cute. They are really easy to make
DeleteThe gown is going to be so cute. Will it be her coming home outfit?
ReplyDeleteThank you. Yes the gown will be her coming home outfit but I'm ordering a super cute crochet hat
DeleteThat is such a cute baby bump! :D And don't worry to much about the UTI med. I had two with while pregnant with my son [you may remember my comment on instagram]. The doctors all reassured me they were very common, especially in pregnancy. It will be over before you know it!
ReplyDeleteThank you. The meds are helping and I'm almost done with them
DeleteYou look so wonderful with each pregnancy! I can't WAIT to hear a name! Gah! :)
ReplyDeleteBaby bump varies in every women but any ways shirt is cute enough
You look amazing mama! Seriously! I cannot wait to hear the name!