On Thursday I had my first mommy breakdown since daddy's been gone. I will admit that it's been hard on me and the girls with daddy being gone. He's never been gone this long from them.
Thursday morning started out at 6:45am and the girls woke up in a pretty good mood, we ate breakfast and got ready. We left grandmas house and made a stop by Michael's on the way home to get a few more things for the girls room and also get them a "be good" gift from daddy. Kaylee had found some toy so she was distracted while I picked a Brave book and coloring book out for her. We then headed to the dollar section and I got Keira a coloring book with some crayons. When we got back the girls were there usual selves "where hungry", "we want this", "Keira stop" but yesterday was different they were acting different and I knew it was going to be a long day. From 10am till almost nap time all they did was fight and not listen to a word I said. I was starting to get really frustrated with them. I was frustrated with them not listening, Kaylee's back talking and just being a plain meany to Keira.
Before the girls went down for a nap my aunt stopped by to drop off Kaylee's birthday present. She got her a 125 piece pretend food set. She was all excited about it. So I told her that if her and Keira took a good nap that we'd open it when they got up and check the mail to see if daddy's gift was there (the gift I got for them at michaels was from daddy). They went down for their nap great. I even got a nap in. Kaylee woke up around 2:30 and asked if we could open her food. I told her as soon as Keira woke up we could and that we'd check the mail. She was pretty good and sat on the couch and arched cartoons while she waited for Keira. Keira woke up about 45 minutes later. I got her up and as I promised I opens d the pretend food, they played nicely for about 15 minutes before the fighting begun with hitting and pushing and throwing toys. So here I was again raising my voice over theirs to get them to calm down and reprimand them for throwing and not playing nice. (I should mention that I had the worst headache ever). So after getting them semi calmed down, trying to distract then I asked if I should go check to see if there was anything in the mail for them. They screamed YES with excitement. So I brought back in their gifts and told them that these were from daddy and that daddy wanted them to be good girls until he got home and if they were they would get another present. So they ripped into their bags to find their gifts. They started coloring right away and literally 30 seconds after they started arguing and fighting because Keria wanted to color in Kaylee's coloring book and Kaylee was screaming cause she didn't want her too. So Keira got mad and started screaming at Kaylee and then throwing her crayons. That was my first breakdown, I screamed at them and just lost it ( I hate getting like that and I tried to stay calm but I just couldn't take it anymore). I took their stuff away and loaded them up to head to grandmas house. I pleated with them to be good and listen when we got to grandmas. Which lasted all of 15 minutes, before the back taking and not listening began from Kaylee. She then jumped off the couch saying she had to go potty. So I told her to go and hurry, she took her sweet ass time and then ended up peeing all over the bathroom floor cause she took to long. I took a deep breathe in and cleaned her and the pee mess up. I told her to go sit on the couch and not to get up until grandma got home (which was 30 minutes). So she sat there while I tried to take deep breathes and stay calm. Grandma then walked in the door, I was relieved but still stressed beyond belief. She told the girls to get there shoes on and they were going to do some stuff out in the garden. While I was getting Keira ready called came out of grandmas room in a t-shirt, undies and her shoes. I told her that her shorts were on the couch and to put them on. She then proceeded to jump around saying she had to pee. I told her to go run to the bathroom and go, again she took her sweet time and ended up peeing on the bathroom floor again. It had only been about 20 minutes before where I had just cleaned her pee up. I lost it. I just couldn't take it anymore. Grandma heard me and came to my rescue. She cleaned up Kaylee while I cleaned up the bathroom floor again. She then took them outside so that I could have a much needed break. I got about an hour of alone time. Which I very much needed. I was texting with Jason during all of this and he was trying to tell me they I needed to stay calm cause itz not good for me or the baby to get that worked up and I tried really hard bot to but I just couldn't take it.
Grandma brought the girls back in from outside and I gave them a bath while grandma made dinner. We ate and after dinner the girls got ready for bed. I relaxed on the couch with Jason's parents for a little bit before heading to bed because I was overly exhausted. I was hoping by going to bed that Friday would be a better day!
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8 hours ago
I hope you're weekend went better...I hating getting to that point where you just can't take it anymore because of selective hearing and wanting to do their own thing (and I only have one). Throw in the fact that you are 25 weeks pregnant and doing it all by yourself for a few weeks - you should be so proud that you've only lost it once! I really hope these next few days go by quickly for you!!!
ReplyDeleteOh man, sounds rough, but glad you got a little break!
ReplyDeleteUp until recently we had been pretty good because Brielle just let Raya do whatever, but recently Brielle has learned to word "no!" and now I'm constantly hearing "no, no, no, no!" and high pitched squeals as Brielle tries desperately to hold on to toys that Raya is trying to steal! Let the fun begin haha.
That break was very much needed!
DeleteKeira can now say all that too so thats all I hear all the time now!!
I'm sorry you had a rough day! It's gotta be tough being alone for so long. Hurry home Daddy!
ReplyDelete:( Sorry it was such a rough day. I've had plenty of those (my husband frequently has business trips) and have lost my mind/patience many times. He'll be home before you know it!
Aww man, I hope you have a good day today. I'm sure with their daddy being gone it's super hard. Keep counting the days until he's back =)
ReplyDeleteThank you. Since coming back home hoping to get back to their routine and improve their behavior, things have been going good. Tomorrow there will be 4 days till daddy gets home
DeleteSorry you had a rough day! I can't wait for your hubby to get home so you guys can get back in a normal routine.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I can't wait for him to come home too, tomorrow there will be 4 days to go.
DeleteWe decided to come home yesterday and spend the rest of the week at home n hopes to get the girls back into their routine
O Im so sorry! There is nothing worse than feeling you are at your wit's end. Hope the girls got along better today!
ReplyDeleteOh honey I'm SO SORRY! Do not feel like you are the only one that loses their temper... I do it too. Two young sassy girls have that affect on us mamas! I'm SO GLAD you got a break and grandma was there to help!