Last night as I walked into the girls room, I saw them snuggled up and playing with daddy. Normally this wouldn't make me emotional or sad but last night was different cause come Wednesday morning daddy would be leaving for 2 weeks for a work event with my brother. But watching them last night just melted my heart to its core. After they played and read books it was time for bed which ment it was time to say bye to daddy since he was leaving at 6:30am. Watching him say good bye to the girls just broke my heart and I couldn't help but getting so emotional and start crying. Hearing Kaylee say "I'm gonna miss you so much daddy" just sent me over. Keira didn't really understand so she gave him the normal good night hug and kiss not knowing that daddy would be gone for the next 14 days. After the good byes daddy had to go get the airplane to bring it back to our house. (here's a little info on what hes doing. Every year Microsoft has a convention in Atlanta and jason drives a mig airplane from California to Georgia)So after he left to go get the plane I spent a little more time with the girls before putting them to bed. I was trying really hard not to cry in front of them but I couldn't help it. It made me feel so much better to have both of them come over and give me big hugs and ask if I was ok. I gave each of them a long and tight hug before tucking their sweet little bodies into bed. I came out to watch TV and I couldn't help but just cry. I don't know why I was crying so much besides blaming it on my pregnancy hormones. But knowing that the girls are going to miss daddy so much just makes me sad.
2 years ago he left and was gone for the same amount of time but Kaylee was too little to really even notice he was gone and I had my brother there for help. Last year when he went to CO for only a week the girls then were still to little to really know the difference. But this year especially with Kaylee she knows and it just makes me sad to think that she'llmbe sad that daddy isn't here. Its going to be hard to hear them ask for daddy but hopefully I can do some fun stuff with them and with Jason's mom so both the girls and I are distracted and these 2 weeks go by fast. I was thinking of making a chain link with paper and using that as a Count Down till Daddy gets Home. Maybe the girls won't be as sad if I try to make it fun for them. My hope for the next 2 weeks is that I don't let the girls fighting or not listening get to me, I need to try and stay calm. I want to do fun things with them and do lots of FaceTime with daddy. So do me a favor and keep us in your thoughts these next 2 weeks. Hopefully keeping busy makes the days just fly by. Today already seems to be going fast.
The girls were up at 6:15 this morning I guess they wanted to make sure to say bye to daddy one last time. But that wake up call was way to early for this mama. It's 9am and Kaylee has already told me 3 times that she misses daddy. But I kinda of have bribery on her cause daddy told her if she was good he'd bring her a present, so my plan to keep her listening and following directions is to tell her if she isn't good daddy isn't going to bring her a present. I'm not sure if Kaylee will be attending school today cause her being up so early she'll start melting down fast and I'm not sure how she'll be at school. Shes going to need a nap came 12:00. After nap time today we'll be heading to grandmas for the night. Not sure what the plan is for tomorrow it's suppose to be 102 here so you might find us swimming all day!!
There are only two things I'm loving today
1. My sweet hubby. I am going to miss him like crazy and I already can't wait to see him. Love you babe!!
2. My sweet girls. I love you two to the moon and back!!
Här är de bästa kattsanden: Bäst i test 2025!
13 hours ago
Thinking of you guys! I know how hard it is to have your hubby/daddy gone. Brian has had to leave us just for a few days for a work things and we missed him so much! The 14 days will be over and done with before you know it though =)
ReplyDeleteThank you I'm really hoping by keeping the girls and myself busy that the days will just fly by mtoday seemed to go well.
DeleteWhat a touching story.... Stay strong!
Hope these 2 weeks go by quickly!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you me too!
DeleteAwww, I know the time will just fly by! Hugs!!
ReplyDeleteAwww so so hard! We had to go to Florida with out D for a week with the girls and it was soooo hard! Lots of thoughts and prayers for you!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks belle. I'm hoping the days fly by quickly!!
DeleteHang in there, Momma! :) He'll be back before you know it!
ReplyDeleteBoo for no daddy for a while! I know the feeling, but it will go by quicker than you think!
ReplyDeleteI really hope it goes by quick.
DeleteI hope it goes by fast!
ReplyDeleteGood luck! Lee was gone for a week earlier this summer on a fishing trip---it sucked for me because I was exhausted without any help, but the girls actually did just fine! I think they were too busy to even really grasp that he was gone a long time and not just at work during the day.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I hope by keeping busy the days will just fly by. I'm glad I have help from Jason's mom
DeleteAw - it is always so hard when they leave. I understand - my husband has a 5 day conference every spring, travels a good bit and also lived in Denver one summer for 10 weeks. Distance is hard but does make you appreciate them more, I think!
ReplyDeleteOh is SO hard to be away for everyone involved. It sounds like you have a great plan in place and hopefully by staying busy the time will fly!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, this one choked me up...I pray y'all are so busy and having fun that the time will fly by quickly!!
ReplyDeleteOh...and I tell my Emma every night when I tuck her her, "I love you to the moon & back..." and then she says it back to me. <3