How is it possible that your already a month old?! This month has just flown by (excuse me while I go cry a little bit) It feels like we just brought you home from the hospital. You've grown so much and your looks have changed in this short 4 weeks you've been with us.
Your such a calm girl except when it's time to eat and you will let me know. You HATE when you get your diaper changed, you scream when you get that cold wipe on your little butt. You have been such a joy to our family.
SLEEPING: You are a pretty good sleeping and within this week you've started sleeping longer! YAY. During the day you aren't sleeping as much, you are having periods where your staying awake for an hour to an hour in a half before taking a 2 hour nap. I've been able to get you down for a nap at the same time as your sisters (which mommy thanks you cause that allows me to take a nap). At night you'll have your last feeding at 10:00 and will wake up around 2am to eat and then will go back to sleep until around 6am to eat again. You are a snuggler and I love it!
EATING: You are exclusively breastfed and are doing great. You latch on good and eat off both sides (little piggy). During the day you go about 3 hours and then want to eat and at night you go about 4-5 hours. I have noticed that almsot after every time you eat you throw up. I'm not sure if its because your eating to much or getting to much air. When you hit the 2 week mark I thought that I wasn't making enough milk for you so I supplimented formula here and there for that week. But after talking with a lactation person she told me to stick with it and not give up, feed her more often. Whatever I was doing was working cause she was gaining weight. So I stuck with it and it improved and it's been great. With Kaylee and Keira at the one month mark my milk had dried up and they were both on formula. I am hoping with Kendall I can make it longer. I've set a goal of 3 months, if I make it to that then I'll set another goal to make it 6 months.
CLOTHING: You've been wearing newborn clothes up until about 3 weeks old and then I began to notice that your sleepers were becoming a little tight when you stretched out and the arm length was getting short too. So I've slowly started putting you in 0-3 month stuff (insert more crying, I'm not ready) Although the newborn stuff is getting snug, the 0-3 month stuff is still a little big on you.
Weight: will update after check up
Height: will update after check up
Hair: black
Eyes: dark blue
* You've become more alert and started looking around more
* I've got a half smile out of you and you weren't sleeping
* You laugh and smile in your sleep all the time
* You can lift your head up really well
* You laugh and smile in your sleep all the time
* You can lift your head up really well
* You are still co-sleeping with us and it makes it easy for mommy to nurse you in the middle of the night. I'm not sure how much longer we'll co-sleep but for now mommy is enjoying all the 2am snuggles.
* Your sisters still love on you all the time. They like holding you. When Kaylee is holding you and you start to cry Kaylee is done holding you. When Keira is holding you and you start to cry she pats your tummy and says "shh shh"
* You don't like to be put into your carseat and cry every time. You stop crying once your buckled in and then your fine.
* You love your pacifier
* You enjoy bath time and don't cry anymore
* You don't like to be naked!
Sweet girl you are growing entirly to fast for your mama's liking but I've enjoyed watching you grow and change each day. Happy ONE month baby girl. We love you to the moon & back!
An now for some comparisons cause everyone likes those!
Watch me grow...
Heres a comparison of the girls at 1 month old
looking at these pictures none of them look alike!
what do you think?
* Your sisters still love on you all the time. They like holding you. When Kaylee is holding you and you start to cry Kaylee is done holding you. When Keira is holding you and you start to cry she pats your tummy and says "shh shh"
* You don't like to be put into your carseat and cry every time. You stop crying once your buckled in and then your fine.
* You love your pacifier
* You enjoy bath time and don't cry anymore
* You don't like to be naked!
Sweet girl you are growing entirly to fast for your mama's liking but I've enjoyed watching you grow and change each day. Happy ONE month baby girl. We love you to the moon & back!
An now for some comparisons cause everyone likes those!
Watch me grow...
Heres a comparison of the girls at 1 month old
looking at these pictures none of them look alike!
what do you think?
I think Kendall looks exactly like Kaylee now! All except the black hair.
ReplyDeleteWow times flies! I think she looks like Kaylee from the nose down but has similar eyes to Keira! What a different from the newborn comparison where I though they all looked the same!
ReplyDeleteShe's so cute!
ReplyDeletePrecious!! I can't believe she is already a month old :) Happy 1st Month, Kendall.
ReplyDeleteShe is so beautiful! I can't believe they are a month old already either - time is going too fast! Happy 1 month Miss Kendall!
ReplyDeleteI think you're right! She doesn't look like her sisters did at that age but they were all adorable! I hope my kids are as excited about this new baby as your girls are, they seem so sweet to her. Is it weird that I'm excited for you guys at how well breastfeeding is going? I love hearing success stories like that (I'm working at becoming a lactation consultant/midwife so these things mean a lot to me). Also, I'm glad co-sleeping is working out for you right now. I can't believe she sleeps so well! Lucky mama!
ReplyDeleteCuteness alert :)