My saturday morning started out EARLY. The baby decided to wake up at 6am, so we went downstaires hoping she wouldn't wake anyone up. She talked a little, played with her rattle & giraffe, drank a bottle and then passed out. Once she woke up at 7:30 she needed an outfit change cause she threw up all over herself. Once she woke up everyone else had woken up and come downstaires. The girls played together before getting ready to head to the reunion in the afternoon.

We left around 11 to head to the family reunion on Jason's side of the family. So off to Jason's great grandma's house we go. That's right the girls have a Great Great Grandma! She is just the sweetest and Kaylee loves her, she got so excited when we got there and when we saw Great Grandma, Kaylee ran up and gave her a BIG hug. She has a big front yard so that's where we spent most of our time playing. It was beautiful outside. Grandpa made the mistake of picking a lemon off the lemon tree with Kaylee. After that she wouldn't stay away from the tree. She picked 4-5 lemons and even tried one. Lets just say the face she made was PRICELESS! We had a good time, we didn't really know anyone that was at the reunion besides Jason's aunts & uncles..but the girls were a big hit! Keira spent a little time outside and then slept the rest of the time.
Kaylee & Daddy |
After we left the reunion around 1:30 we headed home so the girls could take a nap. And guess who's a big girl now...Keira is, she can now hold her own bottle. She thought she was so cool cause she could take her bottle out of her mouth and put it back in...LOL
After drinking her bottle she was suppose to go down for a nap, well at least I hoped she would so that I could maybe take a little nap since I'd been up since 6am with her...but NO such luck. She was full of smiles
this is her new thing, when I lay her on her tummy she gets in like a frog position with her butt up in the air
After nap time we just hung out and watched movies, while Kaylee played with toys and Keira decided to finally take a nap at 4:30. We had a great saturday!
Sunday April 17th
We woke up about 8, yay the girls let us sleep in! We got up ate breakfast and got ready cause we were heading to Stockton to go visit Kona & her puppies. So left at about 10:15 to head to stockton. Omg Kona's puppies are so cute, it makes me want another one. Kaylee kept telling Jason "daddy please, black one" and while she is saying this she has the cutest look on her face! It was so cute! She also had mini pinschers outside and they were so cute too. Kaylee loved those ones. We thought we were just going to visit Kona & would have to pick her up at a different time, but she got to come home with us!
Mini pinscher LILY |
Once we got back the girls took a nap. After the nap we were suppose to go take Kaylee's 2 year pictures, but we decided to wait cause it was so windy and I would have got mad if the pics didn't turn out due to the wind. So were gonna try to go out tomorrow since hubby doesn't have to work. So keep a look out for a little sneak peek!
So we just ended up hangin out the rest of the day relaxing. The girls played on the floor together, which was so cute to watch. Kaylee was showing Keira her cards with animals on them and making the noise that the animal makes. They then had a little tea party. I love watching them interact together.
Keira had a great time playing with some of Kaylee's toys. Then Kaylee decided to switch gears and play peek a boo behind a blanket that Jason hung for her.
give me the book! |
flash cards |

tea party |
I had a proud Mommy moment. Kaylee told me that she had to go potty, so we literally ran down the hall & put her on the potty. I went to throw her diaper away and when I came back she was so excited cause she peed! Mommy & Daddy were PROUD! Her treat for going potty on the big girl potty is a cookie! She goes poop on the potty all the time my struggle with her is when she has to pee, she tells me after the fact, but she's getting it!
We had a great weekend! |
love to eat herpussy